Below are instructions on operating various house amenities to help you navigate your stay at the Historic Brown
WiFi: The Historic Brown
Password: Whitney206
Password: Whitney206
Sound System - Sonos
The Historic Brown uses "Sonos" Sound Speakers connected to an app you can control with your phone.
Oxygen System
There is an altitude system in the house that flows oxygen into the room(s) and works from a compressor system in the house that pulls oxygen from the air, compresses it and sends it into the rooms in a high concentration. This system is currently operating only in the Primary bedroom. To use the machine you simply press the screen and select "run" and then set the altitude to the desired level. Please note that for the system to work as expected, all doors and windows to the room should be closed (with the draft sealer on the bottom of the door).
Jura Coffee Maker/Espresso Machine
Push the "ON" button located on the top of the machine in the back right corner. Place a coffee cup under the dispenser and select your choice on the screen.
- If you need to add coffee, use the "key" that should be located on top of one of the gear locks.
- Note that there is a milk cooler attached to the machine to the right. You can open this container and re-fill the tank as needed. Note this tank is emptied and cleaned in between our guests.
- To empty the drip tray/coffee grinds tray you pull out the drip tray and turn the back of the tray into the sink to drain. You can remove the coffee grinds cup and dump, rinse, and return.
- In the event the machine tells you to "fill the water tank" then lift the flap on the left side and remove the water tank with the top handle. Fill and then return.
TV Remotes
There are TVs in each bedroom, the loft, & the main living room, and the basement. Note that the TV remotes are specifically paired (and labeled) with a TV and they will not work on a different TV. It is important to keep the correct remote with the correct TV.
TV/Movie Projector
The projector system has a remote control and operates just like a normal TV system.
Heat System
There is in-floor heat on all levels of the house and each bedroom has it's own control. Simply move the switch on the bottom of the device to "heat" and set the temperature using the up and down buttons.
The Spa
The spa is located on the lower level of the house and consists of a hot sauna and steam room. Towels and robes are located downstairs and note that the elevator is located directly to the right of the spa entrance for easy access to the bedrooms before/after use. *Note that the sauna should be used by adults only with extreme care as falling on the machine and/or touching the machine would result in serious burns/injuries*
The hot sauna is connected to a system that is controlled by an external mount. You simply tap the "On" button and then you can control the temperature, time, & time delay functions using the icons at the bottom. It is best practice to turn the sauna on about 15 minutes before you want to use it and you can set a "delayed start" if you choose so that it is ready at the desired time. The ideal sauna temperature is between 150-175 degrees. There is a water spout located on the inside wall of the sauna and it comes equipped with a bucket and ladle to pour water onto the lava rocks as needed to create more steam/aroma. *Note: Do not touch the lava rocks or move them around as they are specifically in the machine for maximum effectiveness.
Steam Room/Shower
The Steam room is powered by a system that is mounted on the inside wall. You can simply press "start" and then use the icons on the right to select temperature and allotted time. The steam will start to produce at approximately 6 minutes after you hit start. Note that the temperature in a steam room should be set between 110 and 120 degrees for ideal use.
Hot Tub
The 8 person hot tub is operated by a touch screen panel, where you can control the temperature and jets as needed.
The gas stove is operated by the knobs at the top of the panel. The three compartment oven (main area, rotisserie oven and warming oven at the bottom) are operated by the touchscreen. You can tap/select the compartment you would like to heat, set the temperature and press the "play" button to turn it on.
To open the microwave press "open". Then operate the microwave as is typically expected.
The commercial elevator is linked and monitored by the Fire Department. Please note that there is about a 10 second delay when moving between floors.
These are located to the left of the kitchen sink. Please note that these are "push" fridges, meaning if you gently push the door the suction releases and it allows for an easy open of the fridge.
Light Switches/Fans
The house is equipped with push light switches and dimmers. Typically, the top switch turns on the light and the bottom switch can be turned to lighten or dim the room. In rooms with fans, there is a standard light switch with a dimmer to the right that controls the speed of the fan.
Floor Outlets
There are many outlets throughout the house, including several floor outlets.
Ice Machines
There are two separate ice machines. There is an automatic ice machine in the freezer that produces standard cubed ice. There is then an automatic ice machine that dispenses pebble ice and this is located under the counter to the left of the bar sink on the side wall of the kitchen. Please keep the ice dispenser scoop in the ice machine and do not use glass to get ice (to avoid the concern of broken glass in the ice dispenser.
To use the firepit, open the propane tank (turn the knob to the left and use a lighter at the top center of the rocks.
Boot Dryer
To use the boot dryer, follow the instructions on the screen
To turn the fireplace on and/or control the temperature, use the thermostat that is located on the left side wall of the fireplace.
Guests can use any/all accessible cabinets in the home for storage, including cabinets in the mudroom.
4 Parking Spots on Heated Driveway
There are four designated parking spaces on the North side of The Historic Brown that can be accessed from French St. The heated driveway system is operated by an automatic app that turns on when the temperature/weather triggers it.
Tesla Charger
If you have a Tesla, we assume you know how to use this.
In the event you have further questions, please reach out to Mark at 720-341-4304 or [email protected].